
Refine your databases and continuously enrich your models

Prepare, customize, enrich and regularly refresh your databases to make sure your projects remain up-to-date
Akur8 data module diagram

Save data preparation time and make the most of your databases by leveraging the power of Akur8


Upload and refine your databases

Quickly and easily activate Akur8’s “plug and play” mode by uploading your claims or quote databases using any standard file format. There is no need to pre-process your data or  perform binning on continuous variables. Akur8 allows you to deal with ordinal and categorical variables and leverage them for modeling. Management of missing values is automatically handled by the software, generating significant time savings. 

Akur8 database upload functionality diagram
Variable creation feature diagram

Modify variables and create new features

With Akur8 you can regroup some variables, change their names, reorder and filter them out. You can also use formulas to create new features that will best support your analyses. By easing the feature engineering process, Akur8 enables users to leverage their business expertise to enrich their databases.


Continuously update your databases

Akur8 enables you to continuously update and enrich your databases by reusing modifications already performed on older versions. Easily update and refresh your models at whatever frequency suits you, from year to year or from week to week, as you gather more data.

Database update functionality diagram

Frequently Asked Questions about Data

I don’t have enough data, can Akur8 still add value?

Akur8 will enable you to extract value from any type of database, regardless of its size. Akur8 will always leverage the maximum statistical power of the data, no matter how many rows or columns are in the database.

My database is not clean, isn’t there a risk of misusing it?

If there are issues or missing values in the database, the software detects them. Akur8 has implemented safeguards to prevent users from wrongfully using corrupted data.

Is there a maximum database size that Akur8 can handle?

No, the software can handle any size of database. Cloud resources will be automatically adjusted to database size.

All FAQs
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